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Alternative to the Christmas Party - Celebrating Team Successes Responsibly

A plea for personal connections

Corona forces us to be careful, to reduce social contacts to a minimum and all event possibilities, such as visiting the Christmas market together, celebrating in a bar or visiting the Escape Room have become almost impossible.


We humans are social beings, purely virtual contacts go against our nature. For the moment, we don’t know when the situation will improve. Even more so, we need tangible team cohesion right now, so that we can continue to do remote work socially and so that we don’t lose ourselves as teams.

In our webinar, we will show, how important closeness and connectedness are, why celebration is necessary, and how “LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® as a winter party” can be used to meet the social needs of the team directly and sustainably in a responsible way. This happens either in the same physical space or alternatively we show you how emotional belonging can also be created virtually.

Based on a practical example, you will experience step by step how our Lego Serious Play Christmas party “works”.

On our Download-Page under Inspiration you can download the entire webinar in German.

Cohesion defines the team

"When social closeness is lost, there is a threat of desolidarization" A. Rödder In our webinar, we show how important closeness and presence are, why celebration is necessary, and how a "LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Christmas party can directly and sustainably satisfy the social needs of the team in a responsible way - in the middle of the pandemic.

Lego Serious Play Winter Party

  • Current situation & consequences
  • Importance of team and cohesion
  • Why are personal presence and closeness so important?
  • Importance of a (Christmas) celebration
  • Celebrating with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
  • Team building: Creating the fundament for the next year

Bedeutung einer (Weihnachts-)feier

Trailer Webinar

Ein kleiner Vorgeschmack, was Ihnen das Webinar zeigt. Viel Spaß damit.

For leaders, team enablers and party animals

who and Why?

Celebration is elementary for the society.

Are you looking for a pandemic way for your team to celebrate the successes of the past year and to give the team a good foundation for a spirited start to the new year?

Give your team energy for the new year. Just give us a call, a lot of things can be clarified in a short conversation and additionally there are ideas what you can make possible!

Christmas surprises

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